We do not go through light and luminaire life wearing blinders, we also look left and right with pleasure and get inspired, animated and even let ourselves be provoked in a positive way every now and then, to move and develop further and to find exciting, innovative solutions for you.
We design, simulate and test, go for new technologies and adventures.
Therefore we would like to share with you our pool of ideas, our flashes of genius but perhaps sometimes also twists and turns. Rummage with us in the box of ideas, turn our idea into your product or tell us frankly and honestly, if our thoughts are ahead of time or off the map.
Because no progress without research, no success without positive criticism – in this we believe.

Before we put you and your projects in the right light, we chase lux and lumens for you, we give beams the right direction and make sure, that your luminaires keep cool even with maximum performance – of course always well reflected and with highest precision.
For that, we even regularly dare to go into the dark world of our in-house light lab.
We may not have a crystal ball but experienced employees, who timely create photometrical data by simulations still before the design of a prototype and are able to assess the thermal management.
By this you are given information about all the essential technical aspects and are able to remove the last doubts right before the final investment decision.
Advantages you benefit from, when you work with Jordan:
- Full processing from one source – from the idea to the series product
- Fast availability of photometrical data (simulation, lighting design)
- Timely subsequent optimisations during design process
- Increased investment security regarding the creation of elaborate tools
- Short development time – time to market
- Participation in innovatice strength, exploitation of ideas and concepts in the areas reflectors and luminaires